Send request product demo – DMSpro Co., LTD | Sales and Distribution Management Solution

You are interested in our Distribution & Sales Management System and need a Live Demonstration for more detail?

Do not hesitate to contact DMSpro:

HOTLINE: (+84) 8686 2 8686

Or fill in the form below, DMSpro will contact for a Demo booking.


    Personal information

    Name *

    Email *

    Mobile phone *


    Company information

    Company name *

    Selling category(ies)

    Distribution model

    Expected timing for solution implementation

    DMS package you are interested in

    Functions you are interested in:

    Core DMS – DMS administrationSFA – Sales force automation on PDA/TableteRoute – Sales routing and activities tracking via digital mapVisibility – Product availability and visibility managementVMI - vendor managed inventory, managing inventoryeCalendar – Managing work calendar of sales supervisorsTrade Marketing Management (TMK)– Managing POSM, display program, promotion & discounts, loyalty program, incentive paymentKPI (Key Performance Indicators) managementManagement reports/ BI reports (Business Intelligence)

    Other requests

    We will contact you as soon as possible.

    Thank you!
