Automating Sales Right on Sales Representatives’ Personal Mobile Devices – DMSpro Co., LTD | Sales and Distribution Management Solution

Automating Sales Right on Sales Representatives’ Personal Mobile Devices

  • Category: Thư Viện

In the modern digital era, more and more businesses are adopting technology to enhance operational efficiency, particularly in sales. Automating sales using sales representatives’ personal mobile devices has become a rising trend in recent years, bringing numerous benefits for both businesses and employees.

So, how can SFA (Sales Force Automation) within DMSpro’s OMS ecosystem support sales representatives? This article will help answer that question!

1. What is Sales Force Automation (SFA)?

Sales Force Automation (SFA) refers to the use of software and technology to automate sales-related processes and tasks. The goal of SFA is to increase the efficiency and performance of sales teams by minimizing manual tasks, optimizing the sales process, and providing tools for data-driven decision-making. This also helps expand market coverage.

2. Benefits of SFA in OMS

2.1. Shortening time and increasing productivity:

Within DMSpro’s OMS ecosystem, SFA helps reduce the preparation time for sales representatives by providing detailed point-of-sale information directly on their personal mobile devices before they visit a store. From route lists, promotional programs to product information and purchase history, sales representatives can plan more efficiently, leading to increased sales.

2.2. Optimizing promotional programs and accumulations:

DMSpro’s SFA also automatically applies appropriate promotions when orders meet specific conditions. This not only enhances transparency and effectiveness but also minimizes manual work for sales reps.

2.3. Ensuring compliance with the complete sales process at the store:

SFA ensures that sales reps follow proper procedures at the store, from placing orders, tracking them, checking inventory, to conducting store surveys, collecting feedback, and taking photos of product displays. Automating sales processes not only standardizes procedures but also makes errors easier to identify and resolve, benefiting both the business and distributors. SFA also helps manage potential customers more effectively, from prospects to contract clients, allowing sales representatives to meet and engage with them faster, thanks to pre-filtered leads.


3. Advantages of SFA within the OMS ecosystem:

DMSpro’s SFA is not only a smart mobile application but also easily downloadable from major app stores like Google Play and the App Store, supporting both Android and iOS systems. With flexible functionality, the app is compatible with many device types and features a professionally designed, user-friendly interface, with a focus on UX/UI. The SaaS (Software as a Service) model enables businesses to invest and expand usage as they grow.

In DMSpro’s ecosystem, SFA extends beyond mere sales and delivery—it includes fully automated, flexible processes. The system’s Dynamic Sales Process allows for defining and applying different sales processes for various customer groups automatically, optimizing work efficiency.

The system’s interface is designed to be intuitive and smart, making it easy for users to interact and operate without requiring extensive training.

DMSpro’s strength lies in automating the sales team’s operations, reducing reliance on manual work and optimizing working time. Especially, the integration of AI for image analysis enhances service quality and customer management.

With DMSpro’s SFA, a sales representative’s day will look like this:

  • Start the day by opening the DMSpro SFA mobile app to update the latest product information, pricing, promotions, and internal announcements.
  • The app automatically organizes the day’s routes, allowing the rep to know which customers to visit without needing to remember or carry a store list.
  • The customer list is displayed by order or distance from the current location, helping with navigation. With integrated digital maps, reps can easily see specific store locations on the map, making it easier to move between points.
  • View store information, purchase history, past promotions, etc., to create an accurate sales approach.
  • Place orders right at the point of sale using a mobile device with suggested orders.
  • At the end of the day, sales reps can view their sales performance reports on their personal mobile devices.


DMSpro’s Innovation for Sales and Distribution Teams

DMSpro not only brings innovation and modernization to sales processes and field team management but also serves as a reliable partner that helps businesses maximize efficiency and enhance the customer experience. With a harmonious combination of dynamic sales processes, a user-friendly interface, and advanced AI integration, DMSpro’s SFA in OMS promises to be a powerful tool that accompanies sustainable business growth in today’s digital age.

If you are a manager of a manufacturing or distribution business with a sales or field team, and you are looking for an optimal solution to manage your distribution system, please contact us.

OMS is specialized software for managing distribution systems. Businesses can contact our Sales hotline at (+84) 8686 2 8686 or register HERE.