Author Archives: Thang Pham Minh


As one of the leading DMS solution suppliers, on June 06, 2019 DMSPro organized a workshop “Reaching Your Valued Customers with New Digital Distribution Strategy” introducing technology innovation to the management boards of Corporations, and Companies in manufacture and distribution industry. Together with other prestigious partners, DMSPro updated the market trends for distribution sector in […]

The new CEO behind Burger King, Popeyes, and Tim Hortons reveals his plans for the future of the chains

José Cil has two decades of expertise in the business of Burger King. Now, Cil is taking on Popeyes and Tim Hortons as well. In January, Cil was named CEO of Restaurant Brands International, the parent company of Burger King, Tim Hortons, and Popeyes. Cil began working at Burger King in 2000, serving as Burger […]

P&G has overhauled how it works with agencies, reducing media waste by 20% and saving upwards of $1 billion in agency and production fees

Procter & Gamble chief brand officer Marc Pritchard has been on a crusade to overhaul its digital advertising, whether it’s slashing spending or piloting new ways of working with agencies. All that heavy-lifting is paying off in cost savings and better output, Pritchard told Business Insider in a recent interview. “We’ve really changed the way […]

Oracle and IBM are officially out of the race for a key $10 billion defense cloud contract as Amazon and Microsoft move ahead

Microsoft and Amazon will be moving forward in the procurement process for a $10 billion cloud contract with the Pentagon, a Department of Defense spokesperson confirmed to Business Insider on Wednesday. Since last summer, cloud vendors Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle, and IBM have been competing for the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure contract, which a winner-take-all contract that […]

10 practical tips to protect your company’s data

In the below, you will see how investing in data protection is not only restricted to security assets but involves a change in processes and raising awareness. By instilling clear, effective IT policies, you can assure a safer environment when it comes to data protection: Backup and recovery are the first line of defense: Invest in […]

What Is the Intelligent Enterprise and Why Does It Matter?

Algorithms have changed our lives in the past decade and will continue to drastically alter the way we live and work in the future. In our personal lives, we’re becoming used to having our questions answered before we even ask them, and having our needs and wants addressed by recommendations that we don’t even ask […]

There’s a new snag for Amazon in the winner-take-all $10 billion Pentagon cloud contract, and it could be good news for Microsoft

The Department of Defense has agreed to investigate some of the central complaints raised by Oracle in a lawsuit. The suit has been Oracle’s method to wrestle a $10 billion cloud computing contract out of the waiting hands of Amazon, who has long been considered the front-runner for the winner-take-all deal. The Department of Defense […]

As bidding closes, Amazon’s cloud is the favorite to win a $10 billion defense deal. Here’s why everybody else is so mad about it

The deadline for bids on a $10 billion cloud computing contract from the Department of Defense closes on Friday. The deal won’t be officially awarded until April 2019, but the process has already drawn plenty of controversy since the bidding process officially began in July. The deal, called the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) contract, […]