URC Vietnam Kicks Off DMS Project & “Golden Rules” For Distribution Management In FMCG – DMSpro Co., LTD | Sales and Distribution Management Solution

URC Vietnam Kicks Off DMS Project & “Golden Rules” For Distribution Management In FMCG

  • Category: Press releases

URC Vietnam highly regards practical benefits of DMSpro’s distribution and sales management solution. Specifically, a powerful technological platform that can be integrated with ERP and provides real-time data impresses me the most”, said Mr. George Madria, Sales Director of URC VN in the DMS Project Kick-off with DMSpro on 16 June 2017 in Ho Chi Minh City.

From an FMCG “giant” investing in distribution & sales management

Universal Robina (URC, Philippines) is a multinational FMCG firm, currently ranking in Top 5 of the bottled drink sector in Vietnam with C2 green tea and Red Dragon energy drink as their primary products.


Management teams of DMSpro and URC Vietnam taking a picture with project members. Source: DMSpro

In Phase I of the project, DMSpro – the pioneer to provide cloud-based Distribution Management System (DMS) solutions will implement a centralized DMS system to 150 users (Head Office and Distributors) of URC VN. Functions including SFA (Sales Force Automation), eRoute (Supervising sales routes on digital map), VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory), KPI, Trade marketing,etc. will help URC boost distribution and sales management effectiveness, and improve the bottom line.

Mr. George Madria added: “Our top priority is to overcome challenges in the distribution channel like controlling inventorysupporting sales staff on fieldmanaging promotion programs and ensuring data integrity for higher management’s decision making purposes.”

… to 4 – 90 – 1: “Golden rules” in distribution management of FMCG

The aforementioned project and best practices at leading enterprises point out “golden rules” 4 – 90 – 1 in distribution management of FMCG.


Golden rules for distribution management in FMCG

Four (4) challenges in FMCG sector involve inventory control, stock display, enhancement of salesmen’s efficiency and distribution system management.

About inventory controlInventory control is indispensable, since the company cannot execute production planning without clearly understanding inventory status in the distribution channel. Moreover, manufacturers should utilize tools to reduce the days’ sales in inventory, thereby saving expenses for other investments such as developing new outlets.

About stock display: Statistically speaking, display quality contributes up to 60% of the sales results for FMCG companies. Facing cut-throat competition with other brands at the outlets, manufacturers find it necessary to display stock in the most eye-catching manner, accompanied by relevant POSMs (signage, standees, posters, shelves etc.) so that they can successfully attract end consumers.

About salesmen and distributors: For FMCG corporates with a wide distribution network and a huge number of sales reps, upgrading sales force’s competency and working in sync with distributors play a critical role. Manufacturers have to inspire and motivate employees, as well as maintain a strategic partnership with distributors to jointly manage data and inventory in the supply chain.

Ninety (90) seconds reflects the consumption behavior that every FMCG enterprise should take into account. According to Nielsen, 97% of purchases occur in front of the grocery stores. Consumers spend roughly 10 seconds placing the order, 60 seconds waiting for products and glancing around the store, and 20 seconds making payments. Consequently, in 90 fleeting but valuable seconds, manufacturers must evaluate whether their investments in taking care of outletsmanaging inventorypromotion programsstock display etc. outperform competitors.

One (1) Distribution Management System (DMS) solution“DMS” is no longer a foreign concept to personnel in manufacturing and distribution in general, and FMCG in particular. Thanks to the process of researching and learning from world-class technologies, certain solution providers have offered DMS to support enterprises address four FMCG challenges and optimize the time for brands to engage end consumers. However, most DMS software have limitations in terms of flexibility, are yet to satisfy expansion requirements in short and long term, and provide less than synchronized, consistent data. With cloud-based DMS solutions built on international ERP standards as in the project between DMSpro & URC VN, companies benefit from an open, powerful, flexible and stable platform without investing heavily in personnel and infrastructure.

DMSpro – Fifteen years of experience, one DMS solution

Over 15 years of implementing DMS solutions at large companies and multinational corporations in Southeast Asia, DMSpro’s management team and engineers possess specialized experience and thorough understanding of various manufacturing – distribution industries. Outstanding solution quality enables DMSpro to win the trust of market-leading brands such as Samsung, P&G, Tan Hiep Phat, TH True Milk, Nhat Nhat Pharma, Beiersdorf and Pahtama (Myanmar).

Grasping the difficulties/challenges in manufacturing and distributing goods, DMSpro develops the cloud-based S.DMS (Powered by SAP B1) solution to immensely positive feedback of enterprises, and the recent partnership with URC VN is one significant example.

Responding to clients’ firm belief, DMSpro is committed to constantly refining product functions and delivery services, asserting our status as a “trusted companion” of enterprises, and gradually becoming the Top 3 DMS solution provider in Asia.

“The project with DMSpro not only marks a meaningful milestone for URC VN, but this is also a regional project with ample opportunities to apply the DMS solution for URC in other countries.”

Mr. Rafael Torres, ISD (Information Systems Division) – Delivery, URC BCFG (Philippines)