7 “Talking” Numbers About Benefits Of Distribution Management System (DMS) Solutions – DMSpro Co., LTD | Sales and Distribution Management Solution

7 “Talking” Numbers About Benefits Of Distribution Management System (DMS) Solutions

  • Category: Videos

Are you a manufacturer or a distributor?

Do you wish to OPTIMIZE your distribution and sales management effectiveness, with reasonable investment?

7 following reasons explain why DMSpro’s Distribution Management System (DMS) Solutions are the ideal choice for you

+100%: The extent to which DMS solutions help enterprises gain control over data in the supply chain, from the Head Office to distributors and retail outlets

+20%: The revenue growth that DMS solutions bring to a major distributor of a multinational FMCG corporation

+8,89: The return on investment (ROI) calculated by a leading beverage company in Vietnam for investing in DMS solutions

+54.000: The number of transactions processable by the DMS system in 1 day. Enterprises can rest assured if their business surges in peak seasons

+5 – 8 minutes: The duration for salesmen to fully carry out standard sales processes at the outlets with DMS solutions

+2 – 3 days: The time needed to train new salesmen on board instead of 1 – 2 months previously, as all historical sales data are stored in the DMS system

+30%: The percentage of “fake” stores in the distribution channel that can be identified and reduced by DMS solutions without affecting revenue (* Based on DMS experience at a large FMCG company)

Ready to experience outstanding BENEFITS of the DMS solutions?

REGISTER NOW for a FREE consultation and demo from DMSpro: https://dmspro.vn/en/send-request-product-demo/

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