10 practical tips to protect your company’s data – DMSpro Co., LTD | Sales and Distribution Management Solution

10 practical tips to protect your company’s data

  • Category: IT

In the below, you will see how investing in data protection is not only restricted to security assets but involves a change in processes and raising awareness. By instilling clear, effective IT policies, you can assure a safer environment when it comes to data protection:

  • Backup and recovery are the first line of defense: Invest in effective infrastructure, procedures and policies.
  • Data protection suppliers must adapt to ransomware attacks: Adopt tools with the necessary resources for prevention.
  • Raising awareness is still the most effective remedy: Create internal security policies and processes identifying the benefits of implementing them.
  • Efficient management is a tool for data protection: IT administrators must be aware of any changes and must undertake effective monitoring.
  • Test everything: There must be routine testing in your data protection strategy to verify the procedures for backup, recovery and data integrity.
  • Performance: Assess the time frame it takes for your company’s operations to get up and running. Identify the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to check how soon you can resume operation.
  • Certification and compliance: Seek to certify your IT environment and always document past experiences that have produced errors and corrections/modifications that provided resolution.
  • Help at times of difficulty: Have a support system aligned and capable to meet the company’s data protection strategy.
  • Adopting cutting edge technology is essential for having a successful strategy: With cloud migration, the company will have access updated infrastructure paired with constant innovation. This will raise questions connected with security and high availability.
  • Be prepared for attacks: It is not 100% guaranteed that adopting best practices to ensure data protection will prevent security incidents, however, it is possible to anticipate and be prepared when they happen.

Make data protection a priority in your business. With the secure infrastructure of cloud computing and implementing effective IT security measures, you will mitigate the risk of attacks resulting in a safer environment.